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Goodbye Depression

Leaving your Negative Past Behind

Distancing yourself from the past and future may help you stay miles away from the evil disease of depression. Humans show a systematic tendency to perceive the past as psychologically more prevalent than the present. Depression is often associated with past negative events such as emotional abuse, the loss of the loved one, etc.

All of us have things from the past that haunt us. This is a very uncomfortable feeling which leaves you more devastated when a new problem occurs because you blame yourself for some event or action in your past.

Psychological studies show that 60% of human beings remain more inclined to negatives things about their past rather than positive incidences. In the majority of such cases, the negative things tend to become a part of their personalities and make their life difficult to live.

Leaving this negative past behind is important if you want to live a stress-free and depression-free life. Holding on to pain or incidents which have emotionally hurt you is normal, but after a certain “point of time” letting the negative feelings go off is necessary. But this varies with the situation. For example, if a person being a child was continuously abused for years, he might face difficulty overcoming his pain and depression. So the “point of time” which we are talking about is expected to be more in this case compared to the one where a person did not get proper attention or care by parents during his childhood. The intensity of pain leading to depression is different in both cases and so the time for recovery varies too.

Some unfortunate things, if continued for years, become a part of you, thus making the world a scary place for you to live in.

But, the bottom line is how can you leave this unfortunate past and move on with your life.

First and foremost, remember, nothing in life comes decorated on a silver tray! To be clear enough, nothing in life is easy to achieve. You need to really work hard to overcome this past which is dominating your present and still not leaving you. It has left behind traces of pain in your mind leading to a state of depression.

1. To start with, get honest with yourself and decide who you want to be – a victim forever or an emotionally strong and timely evolved person! Even though you have been victimized, you do not have to remain a victim.

2. Secondly, you have to understand and remember that what has happened in the past cannot be changed or reverted– Can it be? No, definitely not! The emotional trauma you have experienced has changed you as a person and has made your life different from others but do you have a choice here? So, you don’t have to live in victim consciousness forever; you can move through it if you’re ready to do the mental work that’s needed.

3. Now, close your eyes for several minutes and imagine how your life would look if you don’t visualize yourself as a victim. A life where you see only the positive things of past life around you – your friends who have supported you through your thick and thin, the hobbies and the activities that you enjoy doing, example – dancing, visiting the places that make you happy and gleeful, etc. These thoughts will reveal that you are really fine and you were never at fault with whatever bad happened with you in the past. You are a lovable person and just because a few people failed to understand your worth, does n’t mean that you have to jump through hoops to be loved by others.

4. Another thing which you need to really focus upon is that – Time is not alike always, neither the people around you are. Today is different from yesterday and tomorrow will not be the same as today. So, if your past was bad - at least a couple of incidents were – doesn’t mean that your future will also be the same. The same logic applies to the people around you – if a few folks have mentally harmed you or caused pain, doesn’t at all mean that all your mates or future mates intend to do the same. Things change, situations change and so do people, with time. If you live with your fears forever, you will always be away from the most wonderful feeling of this world – LOVE. It is a powerful feeling which associates with everything around you – the people, the animals, the plants, even the non-living creatures around you. And without love, there is no meaning to Life. Love chases life and life should also chase LOVE.

You are just a decision away from making your present and your future better and trust me, if you are reading this article you are already on your way to making yourself better.

Depression is bad, but our thoughts and actions have the power of making them even worse. In some cases - the best ones though - thoughts even have the power to heal everything. So the choice is yours!

Happy Healing!

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